We are living in a globalist coup, effectuated by a wealthy and powerful international elite determined to enslave humanity to its own advantage.
This global governance subterfuge is being executed via various international instruments and policies, such as the UN “Sustainable Development Goals,” “Agenda 2030,” Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) business frameworks, proposed amendments to the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations, the proposed WHO Pandemic Treaty, and the UN’s proposed Emergency Platform. The aim of the scheme is to establish a world-wide biotech surveillance police state in which all people will be monitored and controlled by a One World Government. This will be accomplished by combining a Chinese Communist Party-style “Social Credit System” with a Central Bank Digital Currency. In this way, anyone who dissents from the official globalist narrative (on issues such as “vaccine” and mask mandates, lockdowns, or election integrity, for example) will be identified through artificial intelligence, and then cut off from their social media accounts, bank accounts and credit cards, effectively paralyzing them.
This coup is being perpetrated through various unaccountable, unelected, globalist bodies, such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, and the G20, all of which have been heavily influenced by the Chinese Communist Party. These globalist entities grab power by creating crises that promote chaos, division and fear. Such crises may include pandemics; economic, energy, food or environmental crises; internet or power grid outages; and war. They serve as an opportunity to impose emergency powers under the pretext of providing safety and security. These emergency powers are then used to curtail freedom and to establish a global totalitarian infrastructure.
The global elites oppose national sovereignty and are seeking to impose global regulations regarding surveillance, censorship of divergent viewpoints, healthcare and banking. They oppose individual medical freedom and instead seek to impose a totalitarian One Health agenda through the WHO, with control over all humans, animals, plants and the environment. They seek to impose one-size-fits-all “vaccine” mandates, forcing each individual to submit to injection with experimental genetic therapies, regardless of the age or health status of the individual – in direct violation of the Nuremburg Code, which enshrines the natural right of bodily sovereignty with informed consent and the right to refuse administration of any medical intervention. They have hidden or ignored thousands or millions of incidents of “vaccine”-related injuries and deaths and are currently legally exempt from compensating their victims. They have promoted lockdowns, which did not stop the spread of disease, but which instead caused economic devastation and a host of other health-related consequences. The result of the WHO’s public health policies has been an alarming and unprecedented global uptick in suicide and all-cause mortality.
Further, these Godless elitists oppose traditional values, natural law and common sense. They regard as “hate speech” the articulation of Biblical truths and values, whose ancient roots extend back four millennia and include the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and the existence of two biological sexes. Those who profess such beliefs are considered enemies of the state, “haters,” to be suppressed through the totalitarian abuse of hate speech laws.
Because our faith, our values, our families and communities, our bodily autonomy, our national sovereignty — and indeed, civilization itself — are under a fierce and coordinated attack, we commit ourselves to form Anti-Globalist International, a counterforce to resist the deadly, anti-human schemes of this wealthy and powerful elite, and to contend for our sovereign independence as individuals and as nation states, under God. We call upon every person of good will and common sense — who believes in the existence of God, the necessity of national sovereignty, the uncompromising right to life, the beauty of culture, and freedom from the totalitarian enforcement of gender ideology through the abuse of hate speech laws – to join this alliance.
We will resist any mandates coming from the United Nations and all its partners and affiliates, including but not limited to the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, World Bank, the G-20, the Bank of International Settlements, the Chinese Communist Party, as well as pseudo-philanthropic private entities, Big Pharma and Big Tech. We call on the nations of the world to repudiate and withdraw from these unelected, unaccountable supranational bodies and networks.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created by God in His image, male or female, and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. These rights include the right to life; the right to believe, practice and advance Biblical truths and values; the right to exercise common sense based in natural law; the right to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of thought and expression; the right of parents to exercise authority in raising and educating their children; and the right to personal bodily sovereignty, especially with respect to health care. These are the fundamental principles of civilized society.
We declare the unalienable right to the sovereignty of each nation state, that no international or supranational law or treaty can supersede the constitution of any nation, and that all nation states have the right and the duty to resist and reject unaccountable, unelected, supra-national pseudo-governmental bodies that threaten individual autonomy and national sovereignty.
WHEREAS the United Nations has become increasingly a tool of the self-serving globalist elites and has challenged national sovereignty through its arm, the World Health Organization;
WHEREAS the World Health Organization has been especially aggressive in taking away our freedom, imposing the China Model during 2020-2021: lockdowns, quarantines, closure of schools and churches, mask mandates, “vaccine” mandates and “vaccine” passports;
WHEREAS the World Economic Forum is a club of billionaires plotting to impose global governance and seize control of the world’s wealth to use it to their own advantage;
WHEREAS the Chinese Communist Party is a close collaborator with the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, and the G20 and is foisting adoption of the China Model through “Elite Capture” of leaders in all sectors of society;
- We the People Join Forces to Form Anti-Globalist International, whose purpose is to expose, reject and defeat the globalist forces determined to grasp the world in their totalitarian grip;
- We the People Pledge Allegiance to the Constitutions of our various nation states, not to the globalist constitution of the United Nations;
- We the People Renounce as Illegitimate and Non-Binding any treaty or other international instrument that is inconsistent with the Constitutions of our Nation States, and which has not passed through the ratification process required by our various Constitutions;
- We the People Reject any attempt by the United Nations, World Health Organization or any other supranational organization to undermine or damage our national sovereignty via various legal instruments to control the health response and resources of the member states during a declared actual or potential public health emergency, including in the event of a pandemic;
- We the People Will Resist any future “vaccine,” mask or other mandates and lockdowns ordered by the UN/WHO to deal with any of their newly declared “health events,” real or imagined;
- We the People Reassert the validity and importance of the Nuremberg Code, especially as it relates to the necessity of true informed consent to, or right of refusal of, experimental treatments or procedures;
- We the People Will Expose and Oppose attempts by the United Nations, the World Health Organization, or our own governments to censor, prosecute and punish freethinking, conservative or religious citizens who refuse to comply with UN/WHO mandates, lockdowns, or decrees;
- We the People Repudiate any merely human authority, foreign or domestic, that claims to be higher than the constitution of our nation state, or that compromises our God-given unalienable freedom as individuals and sovereignty as a nation;
- We the People Denounce any assertion that advocacy of Biblical truths, natural law or common sense is “hate speech” and regard any laws against such speech an illegal violation of unalienable God-given human and civil rights;
- We the People Defy any authority, foreign or domestic, that claims to be higher than God, or that disputes the existence of God.
Reggie Littlejohn, Lead Drafter