About Reggie Littlejohn

Reggie Littlejohn

Reggie Littlejohn is the founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers.

A graduate of Yale Law School, she is an acclaimed international expert on China’s One Child Policy, (now the Three-Child Policy).  Her organization has been called the “leading voice” in the battle to expose and oppose forced abortion and gendercide (the sex-selective abortion of baby girls) in China.

Women’s Rights Without Frontiers is the only organization with boots on the ground saving lives in China.  Their “Save a Girl” campaign has saved hundreds of baby girls.  Their “Save a Widow” Campaign is saving abandoned widows in rural China.  They have launched a “Save a Widow” Campaign in Uganda as well.

Reggie is also co-founder of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force, dedicated to sounding the alarm about the dangers of digital IDs, which can be used as tools of mass surveillance and control, similar to the China Social Credit System.  She also was co-founder and co-chair of an initiative to expose the human rights atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party, in an effort to stop the 2022 Genocide Games from taking place in Beijing.  She is a member of the Committee on the Present Danger:  China.

Reggie has testified nine times at the United States Congress, most recently in May of 2021.  She has delivered briefings three times at the European Parliament, twice at the British, and has spoken at the Irish and Canadian Parliaments, The Hague, United Nations, State Department, White House, and the Vatican as well.

Reggie was honored as one of the “Top Ten people of 2013” by Inside the Vatican Magazine.   She was given the National Pro-Life Recognition Award by Priests for Life at the 40th March for Life.  That same year she was the keynote speaker for the Canadian March for Life and for the National Right to Life Convention in Dallas.  She has received the Cardinal O’Connor Pro-Life Award at the National Summit of Legatus.

In 2021, she received the “Women in Leadership:  Changing the World” award from Mission College in California.   In 2022, LifeSiteNews named her one of the “People of the Year – Heroes of 2021 and People to Watch in 2022.”

She is a monthly guest political commentator on Fox News Radio and has been featured in written, radio and internet TV pieces by BBC, CNN, CBN, C-SPAN, Breitbart, Voice of America, LifeSiteNews, LifeNews, EWTN TV- Pro-Life Weekly, National Right to Life,  The World Over with Raymond Arroyo, America’s Voice, CNS News, Crux,  Moody Radio “In the Market” with Janet Parshall, World Tribune, Breakpoint, Church MilitantWashington Examiner, Catholic News Agency, National Catholic Register, Christian Post, Baptist Press, Front Page Mag, Jamie Glazov, OANN, NewsMax, TEDx, The Epoch Times, American Thought Leaders, New Tang Dynasty TV, the John Batchelor Show, Relevant Radio, the Jenna Ellis Show,  Joe Pags, Steve Bannon’s War Room, Washington Times, Washington  Examiner, quoted in Newsweek, published by CNN, and featured in a commentary, “When Abortion Isn’t a Choice,” published by the Washington Post.  This piece was part of a Pulitzer Prize-winning portfolio.  She is also a member of the Speakers Bureau for the Victims of Communism.

She has worked with Mother Teresa in Calcutta.

Personal:  Reggie Littlejohn has traveled twice around the world, the first time solo.   She is a certified advanced scuba diver, an exuberant dilettante classical pianist (she received the “Adult Achievement Award” for Piano from the Peabody Conservatory of Music in 2020), and a lover of parrots.

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